布里歐奇吐司(brioche fluffy bread)

3 min readMar 6, 2024


按:這篇是和郭先生共同撰寫,算是某一次我回台灣前怕他把自己餓死的教學文章。希望有空可以翻成中文。突然發現教學的時候我硬要用metric結果自己用中文寫食譜都用US unit。


The fluffy bread (loaf pan size: 13 x 4 x 4 inches, roughly 1350g)
如果你的烤模比較小的話,把食材按比例減少就可以了。一般看到的9 x 4 x 4 吐司烤模可以裝大概950g的麵團)

Not food yet edibles:
Tangzhong (bready slime;湯種):
50 g all purpose flour(中筋麵粉)
100 g milk
100 g water

Main dough:
300 g bread flour(高筋麵粉,如果懶得買另一包不同的麵粉全部用中筋也是可以的)
150 g all purpose flour
2 eggs
1~3 g salt
115 g soften unsalted butter(室溫擺著,到手指可以按壓出痕跡就可以了)
200 g milk
20 g active dry yeast* (如果使用速發酵母可以減一半的量)
20 g regular sugar
40 g honey(糖的部分如果要全部用蜂蜜或全部用糖或是用黑糖都是可以的。楓糖比較不建議,吃起來不甜:(


1 pot for Tangzhone
1 bowl or pot for milk
1 big mixing bowl for the dough
1 loaf pan

The magic:

  1. Mix all Tangzhong ingredients together in a pot (milk pot if you have one). Simmer it on the stove, give it a nice and persistent stir until it’s not liquidy. Kinda like mashed potato. Don’t panic if the bottom is thicker than the top part. If that happens, stir faster and the texture will even out.
  2. Heat up milk in a bowl or pot until lukewarm. Microwave is okay.
  3. Add sugar and honey into the milk, then add yeast to the milk. Set aside and let the yeast wake up. When the yeast are activated, you will see foamy bubbles on the surface.
  4. Add all dry ingredients (all purpose flour, bread flour, and salt) to the mixing bowl. Casually mix them together if you feel like it.
  5. Pour the milk mixture into the mixing bowl, blend everything together. It might not look so put together, and that’s totally normal.
  6. Crack eggs into the mixing bowl, try your best to mix them together.
  7. When the Tangzhong is no longer burning hot, add it into the mixing bowl. Now the texture should feel more like a dough.
  8. Add butter into the dough. You can do it in 3 or 4 parts to make this step easier. Massage the butter into the dough. This can be done with either your hands or electric mixers.
  9. When the dough is a giant unity, let it rest for about 45 minutes to 1 hour, depending on the weather. Cover the mixing bowl with a piece of plastic or a cooking towel.
  10. Check the dough periodically if you are unfamiliar with the process. When the dough doubles in size, prepare the loaf pan by brushing a thin layer of butter and evenly spraying flour (all purpose or bread) on it.
  11. Dump out the extra flour from the loaf pan on the baking mat/countertop where you plan to shape the dough. Add more flour on the workstation.
  12. Remove the cover of the mixing bowl, give the chubby dough a nice punch. This is one of the most satisfying parts of baking bread. Then dump or gently bring the dough out to the workstation.
  13. Use a rolling pin to roll out the air that snuck into the dough. Now you are ready to shape the dough.
  14. Shape the dough into a rectangle with a rolling pin, with the width slightly shorter than the long side of your loaf pan.
  15. Roll the dough from top to bottom. Make sure the dough is tightly rolled. Carefully put the dough in the loaf pan. The dough should be about 40% the height of the pan . Let it rest for another 45 minutes to 1 hour.
  16. When the dough rises to about 90% the height of the pan, preheat the oven to 450F (235C).
  17. When the oven is ready, bake for 40 minutes total. After the first 20 minutes, rotate the loaf pan in the oven so it bakes evenly.
  18. Remove the bread from the loaf pan right after it is out of the oven. The bread should fall out of the pan easily. If not, throw the pan on a bunch of cooking towels or gloves to shake the bread out.
  19. Let the bread stay out and cool for 2–3 hours before cutting it open.
  20. Enjoy ;)



